Share your views and help shape Broxbourne

Take part in consultations, surveys and conversations that interest you, and find out more about decisions we’ve made

Have your say

Open opportunities to get involved

Sign up to the Broxbourne Citizens' Panel

The Council is recruiting local residents and businesses to be a part of a new Citizens' Panel. Anyone over the age of 16 can join.

Closes 31 January 2027

Planning Policy Consultation List

Please fill in your details if you would like to be added to the Planning Policy consultation list. Members of this list will be informed of consultations run by the Planning Policy team including...

Closes 30 March 2040

Closed consultations and engagement

Issues we've asked you about previously

Young people's skills development

Welcome to the Skills Development survey. This is a public consultation provided by Broxbourne Council for Waltham Cross residents aged between 16 to 24 years. The purpose of this survey is to...

Closed 7 June 2024

Broxbourne Community Partnership members

Consulting with the Broxbourne Community Partnership members

Closed 1 May 2024

Letting Agent Not on Simple Lets

This survey gives feedback to Broxbourne Borough Council for Letting Agents on Simple Lets

Closed 1 March 2024

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